Have you ever rearranged your furniture and suddenly you feel like you’ve cracked some mystery code and all of your troubles are gone? Changing a room layout can help energy flow in and through the room and your house, and you want the best possible energy at all times. That’s a long-winded way of saying that feng shui and the feng shui elements are actually real, and you might want to incorporate them into your house. Feng shui means “wind” and “water”. These are the two natural elements that flow. When you organize your house in regard to the rules of feng shui, you are allowing energy to flow through what you have set up. In its formal definition, feng shui is the practice of rearranging the pieces in your home in order to create a balance. The ultimate goal of feng shui is to harness the energy forces that flow through your home and use them to your benefit. So how do you do this? Let’s break the room up into pieces. The Commanding Position
Use Vertical OptionsFeng shui is really about arranging the rooms in your house so that they don’t have any obstacles. An easy way to get rid of excess stuff is to get a piece of furniture like a bookshelf and just place your knick knacks on it. Blanket ladders make this vertical option super easy and so cute! If you store your things vertically, the space will feel taller and the obstacles will get out of your way. Add PlantsI kill too many plants for this part to be applicable to me, but if you’re a plant queen, go for it! Plants have so much energy flowing through them that they will only add to the energy that is already in your house. The plants you place in your room will represent freshness and vitality. Think about hanging plants above spaces like your bed or desk so that you will get more growth and health in those spaces. Add in Feng Shui ElementsFeng Shui and Chinese medicine split the world into elements. Everything is made out of one of the five elements — earth, metal, water, wood, and fire — and they all represent something in your life. Look at what each of the elements represent and then choose three of the five to put into your home and have represented in your decor. You also might want to choose certain elements for certain rooms, in case your goals for one room are separate from another. The elements are made clear on Feng Shui Energy maps and you can clearly see where the elements are the strongest in accordance to the layout of your house.
Fire The fire element is the brightest of all, but not necessarily the most important. The fire element represents passion, illumination, and brilliance. Fire usually comes in the shape of a triangle or other pointy objects and is red. The area fire most helps is in fame/recognition. Choose three of these elements to put into your house. You can add all of them, but understand that feng shui is about balance and if you overload on all or one of them, the balance will not be there any more. Feel Your Space Energy is meant to be felt. If you move things in your house and you don’t feel right about them, move them somewhere else. You want your home to be a welcoming and energetic environment that will make you feel like you can accomplish anything. That starts with you feeling the best you can in your space. So go experiment with the energy in your room and start to redo some things! |
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January 2023